Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
This was great feedback that I really needed.
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
I appreciate the thoughtful feedback regarding my use of commas. I tend to overlook them in writing, so I appreciate the recommendations.
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Your explanation is probably the best I have gotten from y'all's service. I struggle with this APA stuff...that's what happens when you go back to school 30 years later!
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
No, this was one of the best tutor feedbacks I have received. It was very in depth, and he seemed to genuinely care about me getting the best grade. The feedback was easy to understand and I appreciate the time he put into making my paper better.
English - College English
he funny
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing
Quick and Easy.
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing
Tutor was kind and informative, helped me feel more confident in my content and gave me good tips.
English - Essay Writing - College Level
Ben was awesome very helpful thank you so much Ben!
English - Essay Writing - College Level
very helpful, a good listerner
English - Essay Writing - College Level
connection is bad tonight
English - Essay Writing - College Level
Very thorough and competent.
English - Essay Writing - College Level
Benjamin did what he could. I couldn't give him the full document, but he was able to get some idea about it. He also told me about website blockers, which will help me concentrate better in future semesters. If there are any free ones available, I might as well give them a try. This will help me do my work and save all fun and games, music, and videos until all work is done. Thanks, Benjamin, and thank you for always being there when I need help from you! :)
English - Essay Writing - College Level
Really great!
English - Essay Writing - College Level
The tutor I had, (Benjamin) was really patient, understanding and through with his work. He helped me understand the content better and feel confident in my work.
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Provide a Turnitin score.
English - Essay Writing - College Level
This tutor was really helpful!
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing
very helpful guy!!
English - Essay Writing - College Level
The tutor went over my introductory paragraph for my persuasive essay and pointed out areas I need to improve on. It was a good short session.
English - Essay Writing - College Level
Great suggestions and use of time! Awesome sources shared as well!
Async - FP - Essay Writing
The tutor clearly explained my weaknesses so I can fix them.
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing
The tutor is taking too much time to do a english lesson instead of giving a feedback how to work through the process more quickly.
Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level
Thank You!
English - College English
Helpful and easy to navigate.
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing
I did like the service! I felt my tutor provided good advice, and helped me see a missing point.
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing
At first, I thought I was not going to succeed on the conclusion, but my tutor actually made me more confident!